FS 112823 - Le sapin de Noël
“Tis is the season” and brands know it. Sequins time, my friends. “The prosperity of the 1950s brought the concept of leisure to the mainstream. It was no longer just the wealthy who had the time and money.

FS 110523 Greetings from Marfa - "What Texas once was, Marfa still is."
MARFA, I love you, even though the only reviews you get online are from people who don't understand your charm. People love to hate Marfa; they say it's too slow and quiet.

FS 100323 - I am a cow leathering
I asked ChatGPT why people like leather so much, apparently for various reasons, including durability, versatility, style, and comfort. Some people find it too expensive, and others have ethical concerns about the use of animal products.

FS 082923 - Once in a great while, I go to the office
I work 99.1% of the time from home, and I like it. I became a lot better at dressing for the 0.9% of the time I go to the office. I buy less. I recall planning outfits for conferences and offsite...

FS 081523 - Jumpsuits fits everybody
According to Google, a jumpsuit is a one-piece garment with sleeves and legs... The original jumpsuit is the functional one-piece garment used by parachutists created in 1919.

FS 071223 - The art of packing heavy
One general guideline when packing light is to pack one hat, two pairs of shoes, three bottoms, four tops, five pairs of socks, and six pairs of underwear. It should last you for two weeks. Well, let me smile right here.

FS 062723 - Denim is from Nîmes
I was born in a small town in southern France - Nîmes. My town has a rich history, and one of its many prides is that it is the birth town of the Denim fabric. Denim dates back to the 17th century. Created in my town, serge de Nîmes was a cotton twill cloth made of wool and silk.

FS 062123 - The mesmerizing power of red shoes
Red shoes are good. They have come a long way since Dorothy rocked them, and whether they evoke the Wizard of Oz or the Pope, red shoes are a potent form of footwear. Red shoes have a particularly complicated relationship with womanhood and beauty.

FS 060623 - La fille aux bas nylon
Nylon evokes a 1984 song from Julien Clerc - a very French reference and not a material I would wear head-to-toe. Here I am in nylon, from Tibi (again). Tibi garments constitute a large portion of my fundamentals - that for another blog post.

FS 053023 - Variations sur le même thème: Ballerinas
I love shoes. "The kind of shoe that a woman wears is a way to signal to the world what she's all about." says Valerie Steele - Director and Chief Curator of The Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology.