Fashion Scored About Hero Image

Fashion Scored is a fashion blog and newsletter providing outfit ideas for women over 40. I created a fashion scorecard to help readers curate clothing based on their resell value, cost per wear, vintage and wow factors, and body type.

My name is Fannie. I am 47. I am French and American. I love fashion and shoes dearly. 

My love for fashion started as a child with my mother. My mother and grandmother always had a seamstress - Madame Garcia, I never knew her first name, but I remember her long fingers and big feet. She always wore ballerinas and smoked Gauloises, and the garments would smell cold tobacco, perhaps her signature. I grew up wearing my mother's creation sewn by Madame Garcia, which was not always to my liking. 

Later, my mom bartered light bulbs and other miscellaneous electrical appliances from her store with the Webster-like fashion store in my hometown called Guimauve (Marshmallow). I was ten years old and would wear Jean Paul Gaultier, Sonia Rykiel, and Saint Laurent outfits to school. I wanted to become a fashion designer and would spend my days drawing dresses inspired by René Gruau's style. 
My Cartesian side got the best of me, and instead of pursuing my dreams, I studied Business Law. I grew up 5'7" with an 11-shoe size. I have a triangle/pear body type. I have big bones, and my husband thinks I am a beautiful, athletic woman. I disagree. I wish I had thin bones and tiny limbs. 

I am not an influencer; I only wear things that fit my body or style. I launched Fashion Scored because I spend so much time curating, comparing, and searching for fashion that I thought I could save others precious time by creating objective fashion scorecards rating items based on their resell value, vintage, and wow factors but also body types because contrary to what the fashion world wants us to believe not everything fits everyone.

I hope you will find some inspiration.

With love from Fannie.